Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Go Clutter-Free

Clutter is everywhere in today’s world, whether it’s in stores, cars, or your home. More and more people recognize its presence, but trying to go clutter-free isn’t always the easiest process. Before making any changes in your life, you should learn about the mistakes to avoid when trying to go clutter-free. This way, you can make a neat home your reality.
Not Having a Plan
The first thing you need to do when you adopt a minimalist mindset and want to clear your home of junk is create a plan. The right plan will have you look into the future of your home and envision your final product. With that image in mind, you can create clear and achievable steps to get there.
Without having a plan, you can quickly overwhelm yourself as you try to tackle the immense amount of clutter in your home. Outline which rooms you want to clean, what stuff you want to move somewhere else and which belongings you want to get rid of or donate. Then, make it happen. Planning will help the decluttering process feel easy!
Hiding Clutter in Other Spaces
One common mistake people often make when decluttering is hastily throwing things into other spaces, such as closets or drawers, in an attempt to temporarily hide them. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned action only leads to more hidden clutter, ultimately defeating the very purpose of decluttering.
One benefit of living in a small space, such as a tiny home, is that you don’t have that space for clutter to accumulate as much. However, even if you’re not in a tiny home, you can keep clutter away for good. Establish designated spaces for each of your items so that everything has a place.
Being Overly Sentimental
Another mistake that’s incredibly easy to make is being overly sentimental when trying to declutter. Part of the reason so much clutter exists in the first place is that you don’t want to get rid of small objects with memories attached to them. For example, instead of donating or throwing away a ratty sweater, many people hold onto it because throwing it away feels like they’re throwing away a part of themselves.
In these moments, it’s important to really evaluate what you use or think about. That sweater might have those memories attached, but how often do you actually notice the sweater or relish in those memories? If not that often, it may be time to say goodbye. If you’re still feeling sentimental, consider taking photos of items like this and keeping those photos in a special place so that you can return to those memories and good feelings.
It’s important that before making any changes, you properly recognize which mistakes to avoid when trying to go clutter-free. With that knowledge, you can renew your home’s overall look and feel and keep clutter away for good. The right mindset, approach, and discipline will help keep your home tidy for years to come.
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